
Rumors suggest a 'Pixel Watch' is just around the corner!

By Andrew Romero & Abner Li

December 3, 2021

Google has tried several times to develop and release a sort of 'Pixel Watch'. Previously, the company had partnered with LG to create a smartwatch, but the project ultimately failed.

According to sources such as The Verge and Business Insider, the company finally plans to release a new smartwatch sometime next year.

The watch is said to have "no physical bezel" while making use of proprietary watchbands. This would offer something a little more appealing than current smartwatches that tend to have larger and obstructive bezels.

As far as bells and whistles go, Google's next wearable is said to have a heart-rate monitor and step-counting ability. While basic, the fun part is that Google plans to integrate Fitbit tracking into the watch. This integration is supposedly codenamed "Nightlight".

While the device was somewhat teased at I/O 2021 back in May, branding for the watch is still a mystery. Apparently, the watch is internally referred to as the "Pixel Watch" or "Android Watch" but final branding has not been decided on.

As far as pricing goes, Google's watch could land somewhere higher than a Fitbit and closer to an Apple Watch, according to The Verge. Google's most expensive Fitbit - the Fitbit Sense - is priced at $299.

The launch date is still unknown and apparently still up in the air. The company is supposedly undergoing "dogfood" testing amongst Googlers who are not directly involved with the smartwatch team. Be sure to follow 9to5Google for more info as it becomes available.