
Don't worry, Google is fixing a lot of bugs in the new Pixel 6 update

By Andrew Romero & Abner Li

December 6, 2021

The December update for the Google Pixel addresses a few security issues for the company's flagship line. In addition, Google is also fixing nearly 100 issues related to the Pixel series and Android 12.

Here are the major fixes...

Battery and power

The December update is bringing improvements to battery charging information shown in the notification shade.  Additionally, Google is fixing an issue where wireless charging doesn't work as expected in certain conditions. This will improve stability when using a wireless charger. It isn't clear whether or not charging efficiency will increase, only that an issue has been addressed.


One of the most popular issues a lot of people are facing with the Google Pixel 6 and 6 Pro is fingerprint sensor reliability. Google is bringing "general improvements" to the stability and performance of the under-display fingerprint sensor with the December update.


While the camera array is already pretty great on the Pixel 6 and 6 Pro, there is always room for improvement. With this update, Google is bringing: - Image quality improvements in preview/capture - Camera stability and performance improvements - Improvements to auto-focus response in certain capture modes - General improvements to color consistency in viewfinder preview

Display & Graphics

The Pixel 6 has been known to come across a couple of issues related to the display such as screen flickering and refresh rate instability. Well, it looks like Google is rolling out some fixes to both an issue where the screen flickers when adjusting brightness or locking/unlocking the device, as well as the problem in which the refresh rate doesn't change when Smooth Display kicks in.

Other fixes

There were a few issues with certain sensors in the Pixel 6. These problems included auto-rotate not functioning as expected, lift to wake not responding, as well as the always-on display not being always on. Go figure. Fortunately, Google plans on these issues being resolved with the December update.

It seems all of these issues will be addressed in the upcoming update as well as many more. It also looks like this update will be rolling out for Pixel 6 devices sometime in the next week. You can read the full list of improvements to the Pixel 6 & 6 Pro by tapping below.