There were some questions surrounding Google’s launch of its new LG-made Nexus 4. The device quickly sold out after going on sale in the United States mid-November, followed by the same scene for international rollouts in Canada and elsewhere. Google resumed sales of the device earlier this week and last in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, and other locations. Most models of the device were listed as sold out, and they continue to be shortly after Google’s relaunch. With many orders of the device shipping as late as “6-7 weeks” from now, there were many questions regarding the source of Google’s inventory problems. According to LG, the issue is simply due to the “huge demand” for Nexus 4….
CNET got in touch with head of mobile LG U.K. Andy Coughlin. He claimed the device “had proven extremely popular, and as such retailers have been met with huge demand.” He added that LG is “working closely with Google to ensure that those who wish to purchase a handset are able to do so”.
As for supply to Google Play versus other retailers, Coughlin explained:
“As with any sales process, LG supplies product quantities against partners’/customers’ (ie retailers, operators etc) forecasts,” Coughlin explained, going on to say, “demand via the Play Store has been very high in this instance.”
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