Over the weekend, Techdy released high quality video of a makeshift budget iPhone with glued together parts, and now the same company has released a video showing the device running Android. The company is selling the device, dubbed the Basic Bear, for just $199. It features a 1.7GHz quad-core Snapdragon 600 processor and the same 4-inch 1136×640 Retina display as the iPhone 5. The device is made from a polycarbonate material and feels much sturdier than the Galaxy S line of devices, according to the company.
Based on the design of Apple’s budget iPhone, we have made an Android
version called the Basic Bear. It rocks a 4 inch display (1136 x 640),
1.7GHz quad-core Snapdragon 600 CPU, 2GB of RAM, 16GB storage, 8
megapixel rear camera with LED flash, 2 megapixel camera w/ 1080p HD
video recording, Qi-wireless charging expansion slot, 2300 mAh
battery, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, and much more. The best part? It
costs just $199, and comes in 5 vibrant colors.
For more information, visit our Techdy store: http://techdy.com
For what it’s worth, the company also sells a Bear Pro, with a design similar to the HTC One for $249.
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