Confirmed: Google isn’t affiliated with Carrier IQ
Confirming our report from last night, Google has told The Verge that they have no affiliation whatsoever with Carrier IQ, but rather the OEMs of Android handsets do.
We do not have an affiliation with CarrierIQ. Android is an open source effort and we do not control how carriers or OEMs customize their devices.
Carrier IQ news has blown up this afternoon, after being found on numerous handsets currently offered on the market. While Verizon has said that Carrier IQ can’t be found on their devices, Apple, RIM, Nokia, Windows Mobile, and most Android devices do have the tracking software. For now, if you’re Android device is affected you can install CyanogenMod or just wait for all of this to blow over after an update, in a few days.
Carrier IQ’s statement: