Google has announced some new interesting features for YouTube partners over at The Official YouTube Blog. In addition to announcing the site is now reaching over 800 million visitors per month, they’re also introducing the ‘Merch Store’.
The Merch Store will allow YouTube partners to sell concert tickets, digital downloads, merchandise, or events such as “meetups” directly through their channel. YouTube has also partnered with affiliates to power the merchandise and ticket sales. “Concert tickets and experiences” (and merchandise) will be powered by Topspin, Songkick will take care of concerts, and iTunes and Amazon will handle digital downloads.
While the Merch Store will start to roll out across the globe over the next couple weeks, TechCrunch notes that Google has declined to inform partners of profit sharing percentages. As of yet, they’ve only confirmed they will take “a small percentage of sales just to cover costs”. Expand Expanding Close