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Chrome extension lets you make Donald Trump ‘Drumpf’ again [Video]

In case you missed it, John Oliver took 20 minutes on Last Week Tonight to roast Donald Trump, finishing the skewering with mentioning that one of Trump’s ancestors actually changed the family name from “Drumpf”. Tying this in with his opinion that “Trump” is little more than a brand (and that it’s that brand that has given him this much success thus far), Oliver says that we have to decouple the man from the name so that we can see Donald for who he really is.

Enter the Drumpfinator Chrome extension…


Google CEO Sundar Pichai speaks on recent politics: “Let’s not let fear defeat our values”

A great read and important message from the newly minted, foreign-born CEO of Google.

I walk around the campus where I work and see a vibrant mix of races and cultures. Every one of those people has a different voice … a different perspective … a different story to tell. All of that makes our company an exciting and special place to be, and allows us to do great things together. We are urgently working to become much more diverse, because it’s so important to our future success. I firmly believe that whether you’re building a company or leading a country, a diverse mix of voices and backgrounds and experiences leads to better discussions, better decisions, and better outcomes for everyone.

Head over the Medium for the rest.