According to various reports on Twitter and elsewhere, T-Mobile this evening has stared rolling out Android 7.0 Nougat to its Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge models. The update comes complete with the February 1st security patches in place. It appears that T-Mobile and Samsung are starting the rollout with users who had been beta testing the software and will expand it from there.
The update comes in at 117MB and brings all of the features you’ve come to expect with Nougat updates. New features include things such as various user interface tweaks, notification tweaks, improvements to Multi-Window, and more.
At this point, it’s unclear when exactly the update will start rolling out to everyone, but in the notice sent to beta users this evening, T-Moible explained that it is simply starting with beta users and that this is the final build (via TmoNews):
Android 7.0 Nougat official software version (T-Mobile has been distributed hence we are opening the new version first with the customers who participated in the Beta program.
We would like to thank all of you for giving your precious opinions during your participation in Samsung Galaxy Beta Program.
If you’re a Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 edge user, head into Settings > Software Update > Software manual download to check for the update. Let us know in the comments if you’ve received it yet and what you think of it.
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