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Amazon Coins

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Download 5 free Android apps from the Amazon Appstore and get 1,000 Coins ($10 value)

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Amazon is celebrating Memorial Day by giving away 200 Amazon Coins with each free download of select Android apps. It appears that these apps are free outside of this promotion as well, but do not typically include amazon-memorial-day-apps-android-coinsbonus Coins. Downloading each of these apps will net you a total of 1,000 Coins, which carries a value of $10.

Browse the top Android apps to find great titles to use your free Coins on and don’t forget that you can still get 2,000 Coins ($20 value) for downloading Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Get the Amazon Appstore for Android here.


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Amazon Coins are now available for all Android devices: Save up to 10% on apps

As of this morning, all Android users will be able to buy, spend, and earn Amazon Coins. In the past this online currency was only available on Kindle Fire tablets.

Customers will find that earning extra Amazon Coins is easy and fun, whether it’s by downloading specific apps or by reaching achievements within certain games.

Here is the fill list of Android app downloads that yield Amazon Coins. If you’re weary about this system you can get started with some free coins by simply downloading these free apps. You must have the latest version of the Amazon Appstore installed to see your current Coin balance.

You can save up to 10% on future apps by pre-purchasing Coins. Currently only available to customers in the US, UK and Germany.

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Amazon announces ‘Coins’ virtual currency for Appstore purchases on Kindle Fire

Amazon today announced that it will soon roll out a new virtual currency, known simply as “Coins,” that Kindle Fire owners can use to purchase apps, in-app purchases, and other content from the Amazon Appstore. Amazon said the service will launch for users in the United States in May and noted developers will still take their usual 70-percent revenue for purchases made with Coins. For the launch of Coins, Amazon will give away “tens of millions of dollars’ worth of Amazon Coins” to Kindle Fire users. This is definitely good news for developers who submit their apps by the April 25 deadline.

Amazon Coins is an easy way for Kindle Fire customers to spend money on developers’ apps in the Amazon Appstore, offering app and game developers another substantial opportunity to drive traffic, downloads and increase monetization even further.. Amazon will give customers tens of millions of dollars’ worth of Amazon Coins to use on developers’ apps in the Amazon Appstore—apps and games must be submitted and approved by April 25 to be ready when Amazon Coins arrive in customers’ accounts