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How to get a steel band for the Moto 360 on the cheap (Video)

When the Moto 360 was released, it was very disappointing to find out that the steel band version would be launching at a later date. Unfortunately, we’re still without this mysterious steel version. Motorola has hyped the steel band version since the Moto 360’s announcement, but until its officially released your only option is to buy one that comes with a leather strap.

The gray and black Horween leather straps that come along with the Moto 360 are pretty good, but for myself, nothing is better than a nice steel band. The problem is, Motorola has somewhat of a proprietary design with the straps that ship with the Moto 360 and if you want to pickup an official steel band when it’s released, be ready to pay $79.99. Luckily, there’s one steel strap in the wild that just happens to fit it perfectly…
