Earlier this month, the Pixel and Pixel XL received their first update since launch in the form of the November security patch. Users of both devices on multiple Canadian carriers are now reporting receiving a further update that’s labeled as “Security Update + Bug Fixes” on one support site…
The OTA update 261MB and size and carries build number NPF26J and Android version 7.1. Interestingly, the ‘P’ indicates it is a Preview build similar to the ones seen in the Android N and 7.1 Developer Preview. Canadian carrier Telus labels the update as “Security Update + Bug Fixes.” For comparison, the November Security Patch was just labeled as a “Security Update.”
New features so far include two new Moves: ‘Double-tap to check phone’ and ‘Lift to check phone.’ Here’s a video of the two features in action. Double-tap takes users to the ambient screen to see notifications, with another tap of the power button required to turn on the phone.
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