Twitter revealed yesterday that it would be doubling the maximum length of a tweet from 140 characters to a full 280 characters. Initially, it is rolling out the new limit to a small percentage of users ahead of a wider deployment later …
But if you don’t want to wait, there’s a way to get access to 280-character tweets today. Actually, not just one way, but some of them are techier than others.
The simplest approach, as TNW reported, is to run a Snippet in Chrome to instruct Tweetdeck to give you the new limit. Yep, you read that right: the limit is actually controlled on the client side, rather than on Twitter’s own servers.
Here are the site’s instructions:
- Load up Tweetdeck at
- Head to View, hover over the Developer menu, and select Developer Tools.
- Find Sources and click on the >> double chevrons to access Snippets.
- Once you open Snippets, click the ‘New Snippet’ button and copy/paste the following code in the empty window on the right.,e,f,g,c,d,h){c=c||function(){};d=d||function(){};b=this.request(b,{method:f,params:Object.assign(e,{weighted_character_count:!0}),processor:g,feedType:h});return b.addCallbacks(function(a){c(},function(a){d(a.req,"",a.msg,a.req.errors)}),b}; twttrTxt=Object.assign({},twttr.txt,{isInvalidTweet:function(){return!1},getTweetLength:function(){return twttr.txt.getTweetLength.apply(this,arguments)-140}});
- Click the Play button below to run the snippet.
It’s a rather clunky solution, as it only works for the web version of Tweetdeck in Chrome, but if you really can’t wait, you can start posting 280-character tweets right away.
This is how you get access to 280-character tweets without waiting for Twitter to roll it out to you personally. Of course, you might now have to think of more things to say. Um, so how about this weather, eh? Uh, doing anything interesting today? I'll be cycling later. Ok. Done.
— benlovejoy (@benlovejoy) September 27, 2017
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