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YouTube channel card now available, lets you promote other channels in your videos

In a recent video uploaded to the YouTube Creators channel, employees from the video platform outlined changes and new features coming soon across mobile and desktop including a new channel card. The purpose of the card is to add a heightened level of interactivity to videos by allowing creators to embed an inline link in the video player to another channel they may want to promote — maybe because they’re featured in the video, for example.

According to a tweet from YouTube, that card just went live for creators today.


Google’s new search carousel skims more content from sites like Pinterest and Houzz

Google is known for historically having a goal with search to get people to the information they want as quickly as possible. Search engines by design are intended to get you what you’re looking for on the first try, so it makes total sense that Google optimizes ruthlessly in hopes that you don’t have to click the next page link. But ever since the company introduced search cards it’s been evident that it wants to be the host of the information you’re looking for whenever possible. A new small change today adds on that.


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You can now search for chain restaurant nutritional information in the Google app

Regulations in the United States enacted by the USDA require chain restaurants to include the caloric content of menu items right on the menus themselves. Restaurants do their best to get around this requirement, however, by oftentimes printing the calorie information in small, faint type that’s hard to see or even notice. Fortunately, Google is here to help, putting caloric and other nutritional information only as far away as an “OK Google” command.