Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite chip promises to rival the M-series chips in Apple’s MacBooks, but there are still no devices available with the chip. That’s set to change soon, though, and it appears the “Galaxy Book Edge” will be Samsung’s first laptop powered by Snapdragon X Elite.
Samsung has been making Windows laptops for quite some time now, and they’re not half bad. However, even the company’s latest Galaxy Book 4 series is still powered by Intel hardware.
That’s what makes the “Galaxy Book 4 Edge” exciting.
As reported by WinFuture, this laptop would be a part of the Galaxy Book 4 series, but using the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite instead of an Intel Core Ultra chip. The laptop would offer 16GB of RAM and 512GB of SSD storage alongside that new chip and have a 14-inch display. Samsung’s laptops typically offer AMOLED displays, and there’s little reason to expect anything different here.
The retail listing where this machine appeared also teases longer battery life compared to existing models, but it’d come at quite a cost.
Apparently, “Galaxy Book 4 Edge” will run “around” €1,800 in Europe. There’s no word on pricing elsewhere, but that’d put the machine above Apple’s new M3-powered MacBook Air which costs €1,729 for comparable 16GB/512GB model ($1,499 in the United States). The Galaxy Book 4 Pro with its Intel Core Ultra chip, though, runs €1,899 ($1,449 in the United States).
As for a release date, the “Galaxy Book 4 Edge” is expected to arrive by June 2024, roughly in line with expectations for Microsoft’s Snapdragon X Elite-powered Surface machines.
More on Windows:
- Microsoft confirms March 21 event for new Surface hardware and Copilot AI
- Google Chrome launches Windows on Arm support ahead of Snapdragon X Elite laptops
- The Snapdragon X Elite is Qualcomm’s new Windows chip built for AI
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