HTC unveiled its all-new flagship this morning: the HTC One X+. Looking very similar to its HTC One X brethren, the One X+ packs most of its changes inside. HTC has included a powerful 1.7GHz quad-core Tegra 3 processor, 2,100mAh battery with six hours more talk-time, 64GB of storage, and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean with HTC’s custom Sense 4+ on top. HTC said the One X+ is “67 percent faster than the HTC One X LTE.”
Furthermore, the HTC One X+ will only ship in black rather than the white and charcoal gray featured on the HTC One X. Past the color change, not much else has changed on the outside. HTC stuck with Beats branding and the same 4.7-inch Gorilla Glass screen. The software on the device is certainly welcome, as the HTC One X+ features Android 4.1 Jelly Bean with HTC’s own Sense 4+ flavor. HTC further announced this morning that the HTC One S and HTC One X would be updated with similar software set in October.
The HTC One X+ will hit Europe and North Asia sometime this month, with South Asia following in November. HTC said North America availability would be unveiled separately. Is anyone sad to see just minor changes? That processor just has to zoom.
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