OnePlus held an AMA on Reddit this morning, and actually used the opportunity to give us some more details about the upcoming handset. According to various OnePlus team members (who did indeed verify themselves), the phone will have a slightly larger 3,300 mAh battery (up from 3,100 mAh of the OnePlus One), while the physical size of the phone will actually be moderately smaller than that of its predecessor…
While this wasn’t a Twitter announcement, it’s definitely just another planned specification announcement in the company’s parade of slowly leaking OnePlus 2 details. In addition to the battery mention, OnePlus also announced that the phone will have better cellular band support with its Europe/Asia, North America and China versions, and has seemingly denied that the phone will have wireless charging support.
Finally, OnePlus says that certain OnePlus fans will get early access to the phone. Most notably, those who purchased a OnePlus will get special access, and the company says that early forum members will be somehow rewarded as well. More details are to come.
Previously, OnePlus has mentioned that the OnePlus 2 will have a Snapdragon 810 processor (that has been revised to be less heat-prone). The device has been announced to sport a USB Type-C port (as one of the first Android flagships to do so), as well as a fingerprint sensor. Most recently, the company announced that the OnePlus 2 will have 4 GB of RAM. The phone is going to be priced somewhere between $322 and $450 ($449, anyone?), and will be launching officially in virtual reality fashion on July 27th.
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