Following the release of Android 15 DP1 on Friday, Google has “temporarily disabled downloads for OTA images.”
At launch, Google did note how an “issue with sideloading the Developer Preview 1 build can sometimes cause the device to show a ‘Device is corrupted’ message after sideloading is completed.”
The company recommended that you “flash a factory image to test devices whenever possible instead of sideloading an OTA system image.” However, this was not considered a showstopper.
In response to some people having this problem, Google has pulled the Android 15 DP1 OTA images, with flashing a factory image being the only available option as of Monday morning: “Due to the potential disruption that this issue can cause, we’ve temporarily disabled downloads for OTA images until we can further troubleshoot the issue.”
We’ve encountered this issue on one of the devices (Pixel 7 Pro) we installed Android 15 DP1 on. Once installed, stability has been unexpectedly okay for a developer preview.
DP1 does not have many user-facing changes. That might change with Developer Preview 2, but it’s really not worth installing if you’re not an app developer today. At least wait for Beta 1 in April, while Beta 3 with Platform Stability is a safer idea if you’re installing on a daily driver.
More on Android 15:
- Here’s everything new in Android 15 Developer Preview 1 [Gallery]
- Android 15 DP1: ‘Notification cooldown’ makes noisy group chats less annoying
- Android 15 flaunts Pixel haptics with new vibration when adjusting brightness
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