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Google Play Books comes to Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and 5 more new countries

This one’s a quick one. Google has today launched Google Play Books in 9 new countries, bringing the total number of locales that have access to the service to 75. Those residing in Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates will find that they can use Play Books effective immediately.

On a related note, Google updated Play Books this time last month with a new Night Light mode that lets you read in the dark without killing your eyes. Hopefully they’ll bring this feature to the OS as a whole soon, just like Apple is planning to do with the launch of iOS 9.3. Most of us have been using this on our desktops with F.lux.

Google Street View now making stops in Ancient Egypt

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Street View is much more than a tool for taking an early look at the local scenery of an upcoming road trip, it’s now an easy and affordable way to see parts of the world that were once limited to a privileged group of jetsetters. Today Google announced the addition of a grand new virtual tour that lets you visit some of the biggest monuments of Ancient Egypt from the comfort of your computer.


Key leader of Egyptian revolution rejoins Google in preparation for possible business venture

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Former Google marketing exec Wael Ghonim, who was one of the key leaders of the Egyptian revolution, has rejoined Google as an entrepreneur-in-residence in Google Ventures as preparation for a possible new business venture, reports Fortune.

Ghonim realized the power of social media to mobilize protestors in Egypt, and was a strong voice for the power of peaceful protest and non-violent civil disobedience. He is best known for creating the We Are All Khaled Said Facebook page to draw attention to a young Egyptian tortured to death by the country’s police.

Following the successful removal of Hosni Mubarak and the former regime in Egypt, Time named him one of the 100 most influential people of 2011 … 

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New and improved developer features for Chrome Web Store

In a recent post on the Chromium Blog, Google detailed some new features and improvements that have recently been implemented for developers in the Chrome Web Store.

The first announcement was the addition of six new countries developers can now sell apps to, including: Turkey, Ukraine, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates. The new additions bring the total up to 42 countries that currently have access to the store. Next Google noted it has added a new “Offline Apps” category that will allow developers to better promote apps that include offline functionality. The post explained how devs can get their apps included in the new section:

If you are a developer, getting your app listed in this collection is as simple as adding theoffline_enabled flag to your app’s manifest file (note: to avoid negative user feedback, please ensure that your app does indeed work well offline before you do this).

The third new enhancement announced by Google is better insights into how apps are performing from within the developer dashboard:

To help you with your data needs, we’ve created a new graph view to help you understand the performance of your apps. To make this data more accessible, you can easily download it as a CSV file. Currently, we provide 90 days of history information.

Google said it plans to provide even more data to developers in the near future to help them understand how their apps are being used.