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Looping YouTube videos now showing up in Google Image Search for some reason

Google is testing a new feature in Image Search lately, as spotted by Alex Chitu. It’s not clear exactly why this is showing up — or what plan Google might have for it — but the Mountain View company seems to be testing the addition of short, looping YouTube videos at the top of Google Image Search for some queries…


Chrome 30 beta makes search-by-image just a right-click away

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Now that Chrome 29 has gone mainstream, Google has introduced Chrome 30 to the beta stage. This release makes it easier to use Google’s search-by-image feature, which allows you to upload an image and search the internet for webpages that have that image (also great for finding larger sizes of images). Right-click any image on the web in Chrome 30 and you’ll see the option to “Search Google for this image”.

Chrome for Android also sees some improvement in this release with the introduction of new gestures: