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Google testing black links instead of blue in search results

For many, many years, whenever you search for anything on Google, chances are that you see a sea of blue unread links fill your web browser. Unless you’re in China, that is, in which case you see red ones.

Still, blue web links have been a feature within Google Search for a long time. So it comes as something of a minor shock to see that the company is now testing a new color: black.


Inbox by Gmail finally gets text formatting for replies on the web

If you’ve felt like the email reply functionality for Inbox on the web has been a bit too light on features, you’re definitely not alone. Thankfully, Google is one of many companies in Silicon Valley that does a pretty good job of listening to their users’ feedback. As of a recent update, you can now find inline formatting options while replying to emails in Inbox by Gmail.

The announcement was recently made on Google+, mentioning that you can now do numbered and bulleted lists, as well as bold, italicize, and underline text. Additionally, you can create links as you have long been able to do in almost all email clients since the dawn of time. There are still lots of features that Inbox could benefit from, but it’s nice that Google responded to constant pleas for more robust reply functions.

You can head over to the Inbox website to try it out.

Nexus OTA download links for Android 5.0.1 Lollipop rolling out, here’s how to update

Download links for the OTA update release of Android 5.0.1 are popping up on the internet following last night’s release of the AOSP download links for WiFi-only devices. Last night’s release was for the Nexus 9, 2013 WiFi-only Nexus 7, and Nexus 10, and the links that are popping up tonight are for much the same. But rest assured, if you’re waiting to update your cellular-enabled device, it’s most likely not going to be too long before you can grab the latest build. Below you’ll find the download links for the 5.0.1 OTA and a couple guides to get you started…


Google+ update brings Local reviews tab, bigger cover photos & new ‘About’ tab

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Google just announced on Google+ that it will roll out a few changes to the desktop version of the service starting today. Some of the updates include a new tab for local reviews for easy access to restaurant reviews from the sidebar, updates to the ‘About’ tab that making editing easier, and larger cover photos up to 2,120-by-1,192-pixel:

– A new tab for your Local reviews. In addition to your photos, +1’s and YouTube videos, there’s now a place for all your Local reviews. Highlight your favorite restaurants, or hide the tab completely via settings — it’s completely up to you.

– An easier way to edit your info. The ‘About’ tab now consists of separate cards (like Story, Places, and Links) — each with its own prominent edit link. As always: you can share specific fields with specific circles, or keep them just for you.

– Bigger cover photos, with a better aspect ratio. Cover photos are much larger than before (up to 2120px by 1192px), and they display in 16×9 when fully expanded. This way more images can be used as cover photos, and there’s more room for your selection to shine.

Google said it would roll out the new features gradually to all users.

Android 4.2.2 released to Nexus devices only

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WeeManFoo, a user on the popular Internet board site Reddit, claimed his Galaxy Nexus received a OTA update of Android 4.2.2 this morning. Judging by the comments, it seems the update was only rolling out to GSM Galaxy Nexus’, but download links and a screenshot from a Google+ user seems to put the kibosh on the rumor. While there’s no word on what the update holds, because it’s an x.x.1 update, it’s probably a mix of bug fixes and minor improvements. More on what the update holds as information comes in. In the meantime, get downloading!

Google brings expanded sitelinks to Search

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Today on their Search Blog, Google announced a new layout for sitelinks under Search results. The new update brings an expanded look for sitelinks — showing the title, URL, and a snippet of text from the site. Instead of eight sitelink results, a site can now have twelve.

Sitelinks will now be full-size links with a URL and one line of snippet text—similar to regular results—making it even easier to find the section of the site you want. We’re also increasing the maximum number of sitelinks per query from eight to 12.

Sitelinks will also be using a similar algorithm to regular search results, to provide a higher-quality list of links. The update will be rolling out to users over the next couple of days.