HQ Trivia
The way the game works is pretty straightforward. Each day there are multiple trivia games, hosted by an actual human being. When a round is about to begin, you receive a push notification on your phone letting you know to launch the app. Once a question is asked, you have 10 seconds to tap on an answer. If you get it wrong, you’re out. If you get it right, you move on to an even harder question.
What has made HQ Trivia extremely popular, though, is the fact that you win real money if you make it through to the end of the game. Once you’ve collected at least $20, you can transfer it to your Paypal account.
If you want to join in on the fun, you can download HQ Trivia from the Play Store for free. And if you’re feeling extra generous, use the referral code ‘jaduino’ to give Justin Duino a couple of extra lives in the game.