If you’re a Sprint customer still rocking a Samsung Galaxy S3, you’ll be glad to know that Android 4.4 is on its way. Today, the carrier is rolling out a new software push for the legacy smartphone, but warns customers that it may take several days for the update to reach every Galaxy S3 on its network. Sprint’s changelog didn’t provide many details about this new release, only noting that software version L710VPUCND8 will bump the handset up to KiKat.
If you’re somehow unfamiliar with Android 4.4, you can expect a snappier performance, improved memory management, translucent status bars, and a snazzy immersive mode that puts a device in a fullscreen view. If you haven’t received an over-the-air notification, you can try to manually initiate the update process by tapping Settings> System Update> Update Samsung Software> Check Now.
Remember, all updates aren’t created equally, so if you’ve already pulled down this new software, be sure to let us know how it’s treating you and your GS3.
(via Sprint)