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Mother's Day

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Samsung’s “#TextsFromMom” Mother’s Day ad is more funny than sappy

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and Samsung has chosen to separate itself from advertisers going for your heartstrings with a much lighter advertisement titled “#TextsFromMom,” featuring the Galaxy S6 Edge.

The one-minute spot, as the title suggests, takes a look at how your mother probably uses (read: misuses) text messaging, and does so in a funny yet gentle manner. Anyone with a mother who took it upon herself to learn to text can sympathize and see their own mom in one or many of these messages. It ends with a reminder that you should call Mom this Sunday, not text her.

[protected-iframe id=”d603a218f395e450061ea4a5f0e213ee-22427743-41205376″ info=”” width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””]

What’s more, if you dial the phone numbers visible in the spot you get to hear what the moms had to say in their voicemail messages. You can also enter to win a Galaxy S6 Edge by sharing your mom’s funniest texts to Twitter with the hashtag #TextsFromMom. Nice job, Samsung.

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HTC RE camera w/ free accessory bundle $150 shipped (Reg. $260)

Mother’s Day is May 10th and HTC wants you to give your mother something cool and memorable this year, and what’s more quirky than HTC’s Re camera?

Through May 10th, HTC is offering the Re for $149 shipped, which is $50 off the regular price, and is even throwing in an accessory bundle which would normally run you $60 separately. The bundle includes a bar mount, a clip mount, and a protection pack, each of which make the Re a little more versatile when you’re out on the go getting those sweet action shots.


Google’s getting good at these inspirational ads

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After watching a mother’s day video shot entirely on Google Glass and designed to bring a lump to the throat of even the most hardened viewer, we noticed it followed a video posted a week or so ago celebrating the work of teachers, with some not too in-your-face plugs for Google products … 

Google posts ’Seeds’ video shot entirely on Glass just in time for Mother’s Day

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The video above just landed on the official Google Glass YouTube channel as the latest of Google’s promotional/inspirational videos showing off the video capturing capabilities of Glass. As noted by Google, the video was shot entirely on Glass by students from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts as part of its contribution to Google’s Glass Creative Collective.

HTC First Mother’s Day giveaway from 9to5Google and @ATT

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You may not want an HTC First Facebook Android phone but your mom probably does. So AT&T and 9to5Google are giving you a chance to win one with no contract or obligations (You can also get one ON CONTRACT for $1).

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and AT&T is celebrating moms with a fun, shareable video e-card for a special edition of the popular “It’s Not Complicated” campaign. In a new rendition of the commercial that will air Friday through Sunday, mediator Beck Bennett strays from his usual, “what’s better, bigger or smaller?” and instead asks, “who gives the best hugs?” to a unanimous response – mom does! The video e-card can be personalized, offering consumers a simple Mother’s Day themed e-card video, with Beck and the kids, to share with mom via social media (Twitter, Facebook, email). Make your own personalized version of the “It’s Not Complicated, Moms are the Best” video e-card at   

You know the rules: To enter, simply follow @9to5Google and retweet this post telling us why your mom would love an HTC First Facebook phone.

We’ll pick the winner on Mother’s Day.

Update: We have a winner!


Sprint launches $99 Galaxy S III in Amethyst Purple for Mother’s Day promotion

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With Mother’s Day just around the corner on Sunday, May 12, Sprint today announced it is launching a special promotion that will allow you to get the Galaxy S III in Amethyst Purple for $99 on the usual two-year contract, upgrade, or new line. The savings come via a $50 mail-in rebate, and Sprint also noted that it is also offering a “16GB Galaxy S III FREE with an additional $100 instant savings through a port in credit” for a limited time only for customers that switch their number from another carrier.

The Samsung Galaxy S III in special Amethyst Purple is pictured above and available through Sprint’s website now.