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Which to-do app will you use now than Wunderlist is going away? [Poll]

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Whenever a company is purchased by another company, chances are they’ll one day be consumed by the new company. News today came out that Microsoft, who purchased the widely popular Wunderlist to-do list app in 2015, would soon be replacing the service with one of its own. So with Wunderlist going away, what to-do list application will you be switching to?


Microsoft introduces Evernote, Facebook and Wunderlist integration in Outlook with Calendar Apps

If there is one thing we learned from CEO Satya Nadella’s corporate restructuring of Microsoft over the last couple of years, it’s that he wants its services to be everywhere. And that doesn’t just mean apps like those in Office 365‘s suite keeping your productivity up even on non-Windows systems, but something that aims at a much deeper integration.

With today’s update rolling out for iOS and Android, the Outlook app is adding what the company calls “Calendar Apps”. While you could already see your calendar from within the dedicated tab inside the app, the new addition — which likely comes from the Sunrise acquisition — will allow services like Evernote, Facebook and Wunderlist to integrate as well…


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Microsoft reportedly buying cross-platform to-do list app Wunderlist

You can now add the German mobile app firm 6Wunderkinder GmbH to the growing list of companies with Android apps that Microsoft has bought in recent months. 6Wunderkinder makes the popular cross-platform Wunderlist task manager for Android. According to The Wall Street Journal, Microsoft has spent somewhere in the ballpark of $100-$200 million for the firm.

Google Play store shares its ‘Best Apps of 2014’ list

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Like it has done in recent years, Google is today displaying its list of top app picks for the year with around 70 apps total receiving the award.

Google has a section on Google Play displaying the “Best Apps of 2014” and in it includes a number of high-profile apps alongside lesser known entrants. The majority of the apps are free, but there are also a few paid offerings like Over, 7 Minute Workout, djay 2, and others. Some of the bigger names on the list include IFTTT, Shazam, Yahoo News Digest, CNN, Uber, and Mailbox.

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Wunderlist updated with new layout and real-time list syncing

6Wunderkinder released a new version of its Wunderlist productivity app today and according to the company this is the software’s biggest revision yet. Wunderlist 3 ships with over 60 improvements, however its standout changes are a retooled design and real-time sync which keeps your lists up to date across multiple devices.
