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Google Glass’ revised terms of sale suggest that an official product launch could be in the works

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Glass may be getting closer to being a full-blown consumer product, according to a few changes to the product’s terms of sale. Although the search giant recently made its high-tech eyewear available to the public, it’s widely referred to as still in beta. About a week ago, Google revamped its sales terms for Glass, adding an updated “Prices and Taxes” section.


New patent granted to Google depicts a sleeker future for Google Glass


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A new patent granted to Google last week (via Glass Almanac) depicts a hardware revision that may become part of future iterations of Google Glass, and it looks like the Mountain View company is attempting to tackle the social stigma that comes with wearing a pair of glasses fitted with an external prism and projector. The patent, labeled as D710,928 on the patent and trademark office website, is described as simply a “wearable display device” and features a set of images showing what looks like a normal pair of glasses with a transparent display on the inside.


$149 muscle-sensing armband allows you to control Google Glass using hand gestures

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Just in case you don’t feel sufficiently self-conscious using Glass, Thalmic Labs has the solution: a $149 armband that allows you to control Glass via hand gestures.

Myo is an an elasticated armband that detects hand gestures via muscle movements and associated electrical signals in your forearm. Developers Thalmic Labs see it as a potential user-interface for everything from computers to drones – and have now successfully interfaced it to Glass, as well as competing headsets Epson’s Moverio and Recon Jet … 

Italian opera company using Google Glass to stream interactive performances

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Google Glass may not be welcomed at movie theaters, but the popular wearable computer is getting a free pass to an opera house in Italy during a show being performed in Cagliari later this week. On Wednesday, cast and crew members from an Italian opera company will wear Mountain View’s high-tech eyewear during a performance of Puccini’s Turandot.


Google Glass GDK updated to reflect support for USB webcams

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Google has updated the Google Glass GDK documentation to include support for external webcams attached via an On-The-Go cable (via Android Police). This means that, while developers already have access to the standard built-in Glass camera, they will now be able to incorporate additional camera views in their apps. Sadly, webcams won’t be Plug-and-Play, so developers are going to have to provide their own drivers for the hardware they want to use.

Comic-Con bans Google Glass from movie and TV panels

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Google founder Sergey Brin poses for a portrait wearing Google Glass glasses before the Diane von Furstenberg  Spring/Summer 2013 collection show during New York Fashion Week

Although Google Glass is available to the public, it’s understandable that the wearable tech isn’t welcomed everywhere, however being barred from a convention full of nerds has a special kind of sting. Comic-Con is currently underway and while the San Diego Convention Center is packed to the gills with cosplayers, anyone dressed up as Google co-founders Sergey Brin or Larry Page better not be wearing Glass — at least not during the show’s video screening panels.


RedLaser barcode scanner app from eBay officially lands on Google Glass

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The eBay-owned app RedLaser — available for quite some time now on mobile platforms — has today landed on Google Glass. Using the well-known “OK Glass” voice command, you can use RedLaser to quickly price check products you see on the shelf in front of you. But the app doesn’t stop there, letting you also find products that are physically within your vicinity.


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Google Glass is taking a field trip to Boston on July 26th


Glass may be available to the public, but with a $1,500 asking price and limited locations to test it out, you’re still likely to have your reservations about Google’s wearable. However, on July 26th Mountain View will be bringing its high-tech eyewear to the great city of Boston. From 10am – 6pm local time, the festivities will take place at the Cyclorama at the Boston Center for the Arts for one day only.


Google Glass XE 19.1 released, packs a visual redesign and improved connectivity

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Google has seemingly skipped right over XE 19, tonight pushing the XE 19.1 update to Google Glass users. The latest version of the Glass software features a redesigned voice menu as well as much more reliable connectivity. For moving up an entire version number, this actually looks to be a relatively minor update.


Former Google [X] director and head of Glass Babak Parviz joins Amazon

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Google X director Babak Parviz founded and led both the Google Glass and contact lens projects at Google, but it appears he has now left the Mountain View corporation in favor of Amazon. This news comes shortly after just two months ago stepping aside to let former Old Navy and Gap marketing VP Ivy Ross take the Google Glass helm.


MindRDR demonstrates how thought alone could control Google Glass [Video]

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It sounds like a pretty cool idea right there, but for those with medical conditions that don’t allow them to control Glass by voice or touch – such as those with locked-in syndrome – this could change their lives.

Engadget reports that UK company This Place has created the MindRDR app to enable a Glass user who’s also wearing a head-mounted EEG sensor to take a photo and upload it to Facebook or Twitter by pure thought control.

It’s essentially a proof of concept at this stage, with only one form of measurement: concentration.

MindRDR shows up as a thin white line on Glass’s screen, which moves upwards the more the user concentrates. Once that line reaches the very top, it snaps a picture of whatever you want – you simply need to repeat the process to upload the image to a social network …


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Google announces five ‘Giving through Glass’ winners & their ambitious plans for Glass

Parlaympic Godl Medalist Josh Sweeney visits Waller, TX school3

Google today announced the winners of its “Giving through Glass” initiative that will see the company work with nonprofits to develop apps for the platform. The winners will not only get Glass, but also “a $25,000 grant, a trip to Google for training, and access to Glass developers who can help make their projects a reality.”

The winners include: 3000 Miles to a Cure, Classroom Champions, The Hearing and Speech Agency, Mark Morris Dance Group and Women’s Audio Mission… Developers are already working with these inspiring groups, and next week these five nonprofits will descend on Google Glass’ Base Camp in San Francisco for training, and to connect with their Google mentors. Stay tuned for updates on how the projects unfold!

Google shared some of the plans that the winners have for Glass. Classroom Champions, for example, will be looking to inspire with an app designed to offer “a look through the eyes of Paralympic athletes as they train and compete.” Others are working on a educational experiences for the classroom as well as Glass apps to help improve the communication process for individuals with speech language challenges, hearing loss and autism.

You can read more about Google’s Giving through Glass initiative here.

Former Glass head says Google’s wearable not the “definitive answer”

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Google X director and former head of Google Glass Babak Parviz said at the Wearable Technologies Conference that the company’s product is “one answer” but “not necessarily the definitive answer,” reports CNET.

Parviz, who last month stepped aside from leading the Glass team in favor of the more fashion-focused Ivy Ross, described the product as a first step in the right direction.

This is a nice first step to where we want to go. We can see glimmers of how this might work out …


City Ride helps Google Glass users find Citi Bikes in New York City

Citi Bike NYC

As the most populous city in the United States, New York City has a big transportation challenge on its hands. The arrival of the bike sharing system Citi Bike aims to solve that problem, but New Yorkers still need to be able to track down these bikes for the program to be useful. Enter City Ride for Glass, an upcoming app that aims to be a simple and effective way of finding Citi Bikes using Google Glass.


Movie piracy fears lead UK cinemas to ban Google Glass in auditoriums

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The Independent is reporting that UK cinemas are to ban the wearing of Glass in movie auditoriums over fears the device could be used to video films for piracy purposes – the same month Alamo Drafthouse implemented a ban in the U.S.

Phil Clapp, chief executive of the Cinema Exhibitors’ Association, said: “Customers will be requested not to wear these into cinema auditoriums, whether the film is playing or not.”

The Vue cinema chain said it would ask guests to remove the eyewear “as soon as the lights dim” …


XE18.3 now available to Glass explorers, introduces viewfinder and recovery mode

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While Glass was pretty much a no-show at Google’s I/O keynote, its explorers received a small treat today in the form of an over-the-air update. Software version XE18.3 introduces simplified paring that walks you through connecting Glass to your smartphone via Bluetooth. Hopefully, this will making things easier for people who are new to using Google’s wearable computer. As for you shutterbugs out there, you’ll be treated to a viewfinder that can be activated by saying “show viewfinder.” This much needed feature will display what Glass is seeing, making it much easier to frame pictures and videos.


Google Glass can steal phone PINs from across a room

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Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Lowell have demonstrated an interesting (and slightly scary) technique for using Google Glass to detect phone PINs with 83 percent accuracy from across a room – even when the screen wasn’t visible.

The technique used applies an image-recognition algorithm that doesn’t need direct sight of the screen. Instead, it uses a reference image of the target device to detect the angle at which it’s being held, then tracks the shadows from finger taps to detect which on-screen keys are being pressed … 

Things you can expect to see at Google I/O 2014

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Google I:O

Google’s annual I/O conference is only two days away but leaks and rumors leading up to this year’s show have been going strong for quite a while. In an effort to brace ourselves for Mountain View’s latest contributions to the tech world, we’ve decided to discuss what we might be seeing in the next couple of days. While some of these items are a given, others are a mix of rumors and speculation. There’s no guarantee that everything listed here will be announced during I/O, but we eventually expect to see these projects from Google at some point in time. That being said, here are some things that we might see this year in San Francisco.


Google Glass prematurely appears on Play Store support page as ‘available’ in the UK (update: available now)

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Update: Google Glass is now available on the Play Store in the UK for £1,000 and is available in black, red, white, charcoal and blue. Google says the device will ship from its warehouse in one or two business days. Glass still carries the Explorer tag and does not appear to be any different than the U.S. variant. You can view Glass on the Play Store here.

Original post: Ahead of Google I/O this week, Google Glass is now listed as being available in the United Kingdom on the Play Store support page. When the Nest Thermostat became available on Google Play, it too was prematurely posted on the Play Store support page for country availability. Should the support page be correct, the UK would be the first country besides the United States in which you can purchase Glass.


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A group of elders try Google Glass for the very first time (video)


Google Glass may be taking the world by storm but that doesn’t mean everyone is completely aware of Mountain View’s new wearable. Just because people have heard of something, doesn’t mean they’re completely familiar with it. Mountain View’s famous eyewear might be making its mark on popular culture, however it’s yet to fully reach the elderly.


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LiveLens social live-streaming platform releases Google Glass app


LiveLens, a quick-and-easy video live streaming platform, has launched a Google Glass app (via TheNextWeb) alongside its already-available iOS and Android apps, allowing users to stream video straight from their heads via Google’s head-mounted computer. The service sets itself apart by focusing social features, and offers the ability for users to monetize their videos — which is part of where the company hopes to make money.

Google Glass notably doesn’t sport the best battery life right now, making live streaming of any kind mostly impractical. But since Glass itself is made to be an interface that lets you quickly accomplish a task and get back to the real world, quicker and shorter live streams might be the very niche use case for this app. People with huge social media followings are the target user for this app, and those are the same people who likely would have fans willing to tune in (or even pay) to watch a few minutes of exclusive first-person streaming video.

Notably, the live streaming company simply dubbed Livestream also has its own video streaming application for Google Glass, which lets you do many of the same things as this entry from LiveLens.