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Google AI

Google has tasked the Assistant team to work on Bard

The conversational aspects of generative AI and large language models (LLMs), like LaMDA, make it ripe for smart assistants. Google specifically mentioned Assistant two years ago as a product where it hopes to incorporate “better conversational features.” That has yet to happen, but the Google Assistant team is helping lead Bard development.

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Should Bard and other AI features get branded as Google Assistant?

In the coming months and years, Google will add AI-powered capabilities to its core apps that meaningfully change the experience. This initial wave of additions will share some similarities, and it will be interesting to see how the company brands them. Google will have a number of options, but Assistant seems fairly obvious for these AI features.

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Comment: As Bard and Bing usher in AI-powered search, Google needs to punish SEO spam

Google logo in Chelsea, NYC

Over the past few months, ChatGPT has changed the game in many ways, and the next step is with AI-powered chatbot experiences for search. However, those experiences are only as good as the information feeding them, so it’s time for Google to really put the hammer down on “SEO spam.”

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What do you want from more AI in Google apps?

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” That sentiment, along with derivatives like “people don’t know what they want until you show it to them,” makes predicting the future of technology difficult as it takes one innovation to completely shift the paradigm. It’s especially the case for the coming wave of AI features for new and existing Google apps.

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Google has everything it needs to counter ChatGPT – here’s what it’s already shown off

ChatGPT’s ability to respond to questions in a conversational and direct manner has led some to proclaim that AI chat will kill the traditional search engine. Google is seriously responding to this, and – from what it’s already shown off – should be more than able to compete. The question is the user experience.

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Google looking into AI chat space for 2023, taking cautious approach to ChatGPT

For the past year or so, generative AI has been all the rage within the tech community. ChatGPT from startup OpenAI has received a lot of attention for how it can respond to questions, though there are critical failings in terms of accuracy. Google executives internally addressed ChatGPT recently and touched on what the company is doing in the space.

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