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Here are some Bard features you might not know about

How to bard export delete history

As an advanced language model, Google’s Bard is trained to receive prompts and reply back in a human-like manner. Beyond the conversational aspect, there are a few features that make Bard what it is, and you should know how to use them. Here’s how you can use Bard to its full potential, including exporting your responses and even deleting your history.

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Everything new for developers at Google I/O: Android Studio, Flutter, AI, and more

While Google I/O has served as a venue for some of the company’s biggest debuts over the years, the conference has always had its roots in developer news.

This post will be steadily updated over the duration of the Google I/O 2023 developer keynote with the latest news from all of the company’s various avenues of development, as well as news from the “What’s New” sessions afterward. We’re expecting news from Android, Flutter, Jetpack, and Firebase, as well as many AI-related announcements.

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