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WordPress may turn off Google’s FLoC initiative on nearly half the world’s websites

Controversy rages on around Google’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) initiative as various tech companies take a stance on the tech that could replace third-party cookies for targeted online advertising. This week, WordPress announced a proposal that would turn FLoC off by default on all websites powered by its Content Management System.

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The new 9to5

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You might notice that 9to5Google has changed. Indeed so has the whole network. Long before the page size/speed and advertising controversies, we knew that we needed to rethink how we presented ourselves.

While we were one of the lightest and fastest sites in our field, our feature creep and advertisers were adding complexity and page load times, which is especially crucial on mobile – an ever expanding percentage of our growing audience.

We decided to start over…

Medium’s Android app is now live in the Google Play Store

Beleaguered media darling Medium, a platform for anyone to write and share stories amongst its large community, has finally released its Android app to Google Play. The app works on devices running 4.4 KitKat and above, and features all the Material Design goodness you’ve come to expect since Lollipop – so it wasn’t just a port of the company’s iOS app.


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WordPress for Android updated w/ Material Design interface enhancements

Screenshots of the prior version

WordPress today has announced an update to its Android app, bumping it to version 3.5. The update adds a handful of new features, but most notably it gives the app an interface overhaul to make it fit in with the Material Design theme on Android. WordPress has added round avatars, a plethora of new icons, and changed the colors of the interface for users.


Google announces PwC as latest Apps for Work and Google Cloud Platform partner

Google announced on Tuesday that professional services company PwC is the latest business to adopt the Apps for Work suite and Google Cloud Platform. The news comes less than one day after Google tabbed Squarespace and WordPress as two other new Google for Work partners, greatly expanding its business portfolio as competition increases.

Squarespace and WordPress become Google Apps for Work partners

Google announced on Monday that Squarespace and are the latest businesses to join the Google for Work Partner Program, meaning that both content management systems now provide integration with the Google Apps for Work suite: Gmail, Hangouts, Calendar, Google+, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides, Sites, Admin and Vault.

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Google announces new WordPress Publisher Plugin w/ AdSense and Webmaster Tools integration

On its Inside AdSense blog, Google has announced a new plugin for WordPress users that will further ingrate Google’s publisher products with the service. The Publisher Plugin adds easy access to both Google Webmaster Tools and AdSense from within WordPress. Google hopes to add more services to the plugin soon, and as the product is still in beta, some final tweaks are still being made to it.

The Publisher Plugin allows webmasters to more easily place ads on their sites with AdSense, in addition to providing detailed reports about their sites with Webmaster Tools.

  • Google AdSense: Earn money by placing ads on your website. The plugin links your WordPress site to your AdSense account and makes it easier to place ads on your site — without needing to manually modify any HTML code.
  • Google Webmaster Tools: Webmaster Tools provides you with detailed reports about your pages’ visibility on Google. The plugin allows you to verify your site on Webmaster Tools with just one click.

The Publisher Plugin is available now in the plugin directory.


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Housecleaning: We’ve moved to WordPress comments

Just a quick note that we’ve moved our comment system to WordPress. You can log in with your WordPress, Twitter or Facebook accounts and you will need manual approval by mods the first time you comment (so prepare to wait a few minutes/hours). Previous stories will continue to contain  previous comment archives.

Why didn’t we go to Disqus or Livefyre? If it was only comments, we probably would have. But we’re building something kind of cool behind the scenes with WordPress and this is just the start.

As always, we read and appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Blogging for Android gets more pleasurable with WordPress for Android 2.0 update

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WordPress, by far, is the most popular blogging platform in the world. It issued a version 2.0 update to its Android application nearly two months after the company debuted the WordPress for iOS 2.0 app. Now available on Android tablets, the new WordPress for Android 2.0 app sports an all-new user interface with dashboard access to any part of the app. The Quick action bar at the top also lets you switch blogs, refresh your content and call up the Dashboard.

The new formatting toolbar lets users easily create links, copy posts over to any other Android app and more. Users also have more control over the alignment of post images, captioning, titling and positioning. Wordpress for Android 2.0 is a free download from Android Market. More information is available in an announcement blog post by WordPress.

In addition, if you’re serious about blogging on the go, or just running your own WordPress blog, you may want to take a look at WordAds – their take on Google’s AdSense for WordPress blogs.


WordPress takes aim at Google’s AdSense with WordAds

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WordPress, a popular open source blogging tool and publishing platform, launched today its own advertising initiative conveniently dubbed WordAds. Just to make sure everyone is on the same page here, the company began a post on its official blog by saying its users “deserve better than AdSense”. Ouch! In another nod at Google’s AdSense, the WordPress team explained why it took them so long to roll out adverts on their platform:

We’ve resisted advertising so far because most of it we had seen wasn’t terribly tasteful, and it seemed like Google’s AdSense was the state-of-the-art, which was sad.

They are teaming up with Federated Media, which connects top blogs and web sites with leading brand marketers. If you run a WordPress blog, feel free to apply here to begin making money from WordAds. Many established media outlets entrust their online publishing operations to the WordPress engine, including the CNN and Fortune blogs and this site. Yes, Google absolutely dominates the online advertising game, but WordPress is no ordinary company either.

In addition to being the world’s most popular CMS, WordPress powers over 14.7 percent of top one million web sites, according to Alexa, and was found on 22 percent of all new websites as of August 2011, up from 8.5 percent. Also important, 22 out of every hundred active new domains in the United States use the WordPress CMS engine and more than 50,000 WordPress-powered blogs come online every day.


The most important 256 pixels on the planet?

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Google announced its second favicon change this year after having the same favicon for the past 8 years. Why is this so important?

Google Favicon, its most important 256 pixels gets over 150 million hits a day. Every time someone visits Google in their search bar, they’ll see these pixels. This image also accompanies Google in your bookmarks and page history. Browsers that support a tabbed document interface typically show a page’s favicon next to the page’s title. The Microsoft Windows Shell also uses favicons to represent “Internet shortcuts” to web pages. If you save a Webpage to your iPhone, it will be represented by the favicon.

Google’s favicon is looked at millions of times every hour by Google’s customers all over the globe. You’d better believe those 256 pixels are important to Google and they’ve obviously spent some time thinking about it. Have you considered your most important 256 pixels?