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geforce now set ultrawide

How to set GeForce Now to Ultrawide mode on your 21:9 monitor if it doesn’t switch automatically

With the latest set of upgrades GeForce Now has undergone, users are now able to play all of their favorite games on ultrawide monitors. This feature is available now for users with 21:9 screens to try. This guide will take you through how you can set GeForce Now to display on ultrawide displays if it hasn’t switched automatically.

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After Stadia’s official shutdown, which alternative cloud gaming service are you using? [Poll]

best cloud gaming

Google Stadia was a large name in the cloud gaming community. With a couple of different subscription models, it hit a sweet spot for a lot of users. With it gone, there are a few potential homes gamers might flock to. With that, we turn it over to our readers to tell us what your favorite cloud gaming alternative is now that Stadia is out of the picture.

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Chromecast Google TV

Which cloud gaming services work on Google TV and Android TV?

Android TV and Google TV make it easy to use apps and play games up on the big screen, but Google Stadia closing in January 2023 is a big loss for those who want an easy way to play console-quality games on a TV. Luckily, there are other options to fill the gap. These are the cloud gaming platforms that work on Android TV and Google TV devices.

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