
Avatar for Stephen Hall

Stephen Hall


Stephen is Growth Director at 9to5. You can find his current work at 9to5Mac, 9to5Google 9to5ToysElectrek, and more. If you want to get in touch, follow me on Twitter. Or, email at stephen (at) 9to5mac (dot) com, or an encrypted email at hallstephenj (at) protonmail (dot) com.

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‘Made by Google’ Gift Guide: These Google products will brighten anyone’s holidays

google home mini

Google’s hardware lineup expanded greatly this year, and this holiday season perhaps marks the first time that there’s actually been enough Google hardware to choose from that you might want to pick and choose. Between Chromecast, Google Home, Pixelbook, Pixel Buds, and more, there’s definitely some standouts that are obviously great gifts, and some you might want to pass on…


YouTube creators can now earn cryptocurrency from watchers using the Brave browser

As traditional banner advertising becomes less reliable, creators are looking for alternative ways to monetize their content. The YouTube community specifically has been fighting related battles lately, with YouTube algorithms demonetizing many videos for unjustified reasons in many cases.

That’s where the team behind the Brave browser hopes that its technology will one day come in. The team envisions a future where content consumers can pay makers directly via cryptocurrency transactions, and that vision has now taken a step closer to becoming real


OnePlus 5T thankfully doesn’t have the ‘jelly scrolling’ problem of its predecessor

I’m a stickler when it comes to certain small smartphone details, like the minutiae of display quality and vibration motors. I’m also outspoken when a company makes a design decision that causes a recurring annoyance that can’t be fixed with software, like the jelly scrolling problem with the OnePlus 5. Thankfully, it looks like that won’t be a problem with the newly-announced OnePlus 5T.
