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Google Chrome

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Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, Google Chrome is the most widely used desktop browser in the world. Since its launch in 2008, Chrome has expanded to Android, iOS, and is the basis of a cloud-based operating system.

Chromebooks Chrome

Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, Google Chrome is the most widely used desktop browser in the world. Since its launch in 2008, Chrome has expanded to Android, iOS, and is the basis of a cloud-based operating system.


Chrome was developed out of frustration at the state of browsers that limited Google’s increasingly complex web apps. In creating its own browser, Google could push the state of the web and build the best experience for its products.

Launched in September for Microsoft Windows, Chrome quickly gained 1% of the total desktop market share by the end of the year. A developer preview in 2009 brought Chrome to Mac OS X and Linux, but a stable version was not available until May 2010. In November 2011, Chrome overtook Firefox in worldwide usage and in September 2012 became the most widely used web browser beating Internet Explorer.

In July 2009, Google announced a project to build an operating system that stored applications and user data in the cloud. The thin client OS was publicly demoed in November, but it was not until 2011 that the first Chromebooks shipped from OEM partners.

A beta version of Google Chrome for Android launched in February 2012, with a stable version ready by June. Google also released an iOS version, but it is limited technically due to security restrictions enforced by Apple.


Chrome shares many of the same features and underlying technology across all platforms. The browser and OS maintain version number parity across all platforms. Every six weeks a major version is released to the Stable Channel and a new developer version is introduced in the Canary Channel. A Beta Channel acts as an intermediary way to access new features without too many bugs.


The automatic Chrome update system downloads updates in the background and insures that users are always on the latest version of Chrome. There are many minor patches between between major updates that delivers security fixes and keeps users secure. Chrome maintains a Safe Browsing blacklist of malicious sites that pop up a bright red warning so users can turn back.

Tabs are sandboxed to make sure processes cannot interacting with critical memory functions and other processes. Besides for security, a multi-process architecture gives each site and plug-in a separate process. As such, a crash will only take down that tab and not the entire application.

Since the first version, Chrome has had a private browsing feature. Incognito mode prevents the browser from storing cookies or history and can be opened alongside regular tabs.


The main Chrome interface has remained mostly the same over the years. In fact, the ‘Chrome’ name refers to the lack of UI elements and a focus on the browsing experience. An Omnibox acts as both the URL bar and search box. At the time, many browsers had two separate fields right next to each other. The Omnibox has prediction capabilities to help users find what they are looking for and is also present on the mobile apps.

Android apps

Later this year, Android apps and the Play Store will arrive on Chrome OS. Google previously experimented using ARC Welder to virtualize the Android run time and allowed apps to run on all platforms, including Mac, Windows, and Linux. The latest approach is limited to Chrome OS, but provides a much more native and fast experience. Apps open up as windows and can become phone or tablet-sized. Touchscreen Chromebooks will provide the best experience.

Chrome will soon put an end to those pesky sites that won’t let you go ‘back’

Chrome for Android logo

There’s a problem with the web that we’ve all likely faced. You go to read an article on a less-than-stellar website and find that it’s not what you were looking for. Then, when you use the back button to leave, nothing happens, and you have to click it many times to truly leave. Google’s Chrome team calls this “history manipulation,” and has come up with a new solution to put it to an end.


Microsoft Edge Chromium

Microsoft confirms Edge rewrite based on Google’s Chromium for ‘improved compatibility’

Earlier this week, it was reported that Microsoft would be basing their next browser on the same Chromium base used by Google Chrome. Today, Microsoft has stepped in to clarify that Edge, the Windows 10 default browser is not being replaced, but rewritten, with a Chromium base. The company also shared what this means both for users and for the company themselves.


Chrome 71 for Android rolling out w/ settings tweaks, billing warning, more

Google Chrome for Android logo

Following the Mac, Windows, and Linux release, Chrome 71 is now rolling out to Android. On the security front, the browser will block ads on persistently offending sites. There are also other user protections against malicious web experiences, while developers can customize the fullscreen appearance of web apps.


Microsoft is reportedly ditching Edge on Windows 10 for a Chromium-based browser

Whether you’re using Google Chrome, Opera, or Brave to browse the web, under the hood, it’s all based on Chromium. Chrome’s Blink engine has become more-or-less the de facto way to render the web. Microsoft has long tried to avoid that fact by constantly working on Internet Explorer then Edge, but it seems no more. Microsoft is reportedly embracing Chrome’s dominance with a new replacement browser for Windows 10.


Google may be adding ‘Tab Groups’ to Chrome for organizing tabs w/ ‘different tasks’

Google Chrome

The tabbed interface is an intuitive and effective way to interact with something like a web browser. However, especially if you make your living staring at a browser all day, you’ve probably had times where there were just too many tabs to keep straight. To help with that, it looks like Google is adding Tab Groups to Chrome.


Chrome Dev Summit

[Update: Day 2 keynote] Here’s where to watch the Chrome Dev Summit 2018 keynotes [Livestream]

Last week, we saw a variety of major announcements for Android at the Android Dev Summit, including fresh support for a new type of device called foldables. Today, Chrome is taking its turn in the spotlight, with Day 1 of the Chrome Dev Summit 2018. Here’s where to watch the opening keynote.


Android apps in split-screen soon won’t pause thanks to ‘Multi-resume’

The hottest thing in the Android world right now is foldable displays. Formally announced at the Android Developer Summit and demonstrated at the Samsung Developer Conference, these promise to change the way we use Android. To help prepare for this future, Google is showing off a new feature called multi-resume that app developers can start using today.


Chrome 71 removing ads w/ fake warnings from persistently offending sites

Google Chrome for Android logo

Earlier this year, Google Chrome gained an ad blocker governed by standards from the Coalition for Better Ads. It builds on other work to combat abusive experiences on the web. Chrome is now working on additional protections that will remove ads entirely from sites that are persistently home to abusive user experiences.


Chrome OS 70 rolling out w/ completely redesigned tablet UI, floating Gboard, more

Google Chrome

In addition to a Google Material Theme, the last update to Chrome OS introduced Night Light, dictation, Linux app support, and much more. Chrome OS 70 today thoroughly revamps the interface for touch Chromebooks and tablets. It also adds AV1 support and more HTTP warnings in addition to security and bug fixes.


Google Chrome now supports picture-in-picture video by default, here’s how to use it

chrome picture-in-picture

We’ve been seeing bits and pieces of Google working on an official picture-in-picture mode for Google Chrome, but the final product has been nowhere to be seen. Today, a Google developer has taken to the company’s dying social network to announce that Chrome picture-in-picture is now enabled by default. Here’s how to use it.
