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Google Assistant

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Assistant is Google’s personal assistant that is capable of answering questions, performing automated tasks, and more.

Devices powered by the Google Assistant |

Nest Mini Review: Why Google’s latest smart speaker is worth buying

google nest mini sky blue

Google’s collection of smart speakers and displays has been slowly evolving over the past few years, but 2017’s Google Home Mini was largely regarded as the best product for most people. Now, we’ve been able to spend a few weeks with its followup, the Nest Mini, and we have no doubt that it’s the best option Google currently has on the market. Here are a few reasons why.


[Update: Rolling out] Google and Microsoft collaborate on Xbox Action for Google Assistant

Xbox Action for Google Assistant

Last year, we saw signs that Xbox One might be picking up support for talking to the Google Assistant and Alexa through the console’s Kinect-powered voice controls, instead of Cortana. In the end, this capability only arrived for Alexa, but the Google Assistant isn’t going to be left out of the fun, with the announcement of a new Xbox Action.
