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Google India

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Google for India

Google adding more Indian-language web content, bilingual Feed, Wi-Fi in 12K villages

India and similar developing countries in Southeast Asia and Africa are where Google expects the “Next Billion Users” to come online. Given the different environments, the company is optimizing and creating new products to suit those needs. Today, Google announced and expanded a slew of India-specific features, including Station, Google Go, Assistant, and more.


Chrome for Android will now cache personalized articles for offline reading in India, Brazil, more

Google Chrome for Android logo

Google often develops products and adds new features designed for developing countries that have different factors and environments. The latest is aimed at making sure users always have fresh content to read. Chrome for Android can now automatically download content for offline viewing when connected to free and unmetered Wi-Fi networks.


Google Search in India adds Knowledge Graph cards to quickly find exam results

India is a very important market for tech companies, with Google referring to the entire region as where the “next billion users” will come from. To that extent, it has launched a number of specialized products, with the latest being Knowledge Graph cards in Search for exam results.
